Thursday 14 April 2011


So the first activity I have decided to do was one of those descriptions ones. I was asked to: 
"Describe your favorite food in intense detail. Include the taste, but also the other senses. How does it smell, feel, look? Does it make noise when you eat it? Now, describe it again in a way that seems completely unappetizing."

So I did. 

My favorite foods are strawberries, by the way. For the 'good' version, this is what I came up with. 

"The ruby red fruit vibrantly fights to be seen behind the many, pin-head tiny seeds that cover the surface. The top of the cone shaped fruit is covered in a leafy bush that is coarse, scratchy to the touch. The inside is a delicate peach pink, with a light, fresh, happy scent that wafts towards you from the infused inside, combined with the gentle squelch the sweet fruit releases when bit. Juice floods your mouth, providing a sugary tang with a touch of sourness that combines to create a sensual illusion of summer."

It's always fun to describe something to within an inch of its life, I must say.  As for the bad version, I've never done it before, and it definitely has some potential too.

"The unhealthily bloody looking fruit clashes nastily with its floppy olive green appendages. The many little seeds are extremely reminiscent of aphids, crawling over a bloody corpse. The inside is slimy with sickly sweet smelling juice. There is a cavernous space, surrounded by fuzzy feelers coming off the center of the gum-pink flesh. When bit into, it makes a sound made as accurately only by a rubber boots coming out of knee-deep slimy mud. The fleshy quickly turns into a sticky mush, that combines an incredibly awkward flavor combination of sweet honey & manufactured lemon."

And this is roughly what I was working off:
A lovely, bloody stock image. Taadaaa.


  1. Ahaha, both are so over-the-top purple prose-y. Quite fun to read, though.

  2. I think I threw up a bit in my mouth at the second one. Which WAS the point i suppose. And yes, very over the top, but I enjoyed them.
